We have been very fortunate that the babies have never been really sick, maybe the occasional fever from shots or teething but nothing major. This weekend our luck ran out and the stomach bug hit all of us hard! Friday night it hit Addison and we were up with her til 4:00 in the morning. Saturday she was much better and everyone else seemed to be fine. Sunday morning everyone was still okay so we thought the rest of us were going to be fine. No such luck, Sunday evening it hit Steven about thirty minutes later it hit Bryce, Collin wasn't looking too well and I felt bad myself so I made the calls for HELP! By the time help arrived Collin was throwing up and shortly after it hit me. For about 6 hours all four of us were very sick! Next time the bug hits this house I hope that it doesn't hit us all at the same time but thank goodness we had Grandpa, Myrna, Granny and Papa here to help out. Well we all survived and today we are all finally feeling better, just pray that all of our helpers stay well and don't catch it!
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Oh honey, I am so sorry! I had no idea! You can always keep us on the emergency call list. Glad you guys are feeling better.
Oh no fun! Being sick is one thing but with a stomach bug is totally different and much worse. So sorry that everyone got it at the same time :( Glad to hear that everyone is doing much better now!
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