Monday, April 19, 2010

Bluebonnets and babies

Saturday we took pictures in a bluebonnet patch behind Steven's school. Bryce and Collin kept trying to eat the bluebonnets and Addison was so excited, laughing, and smiling.
It is pretty difficult to get three babies to all smile and look cute for the camera at the same time so here are a few individual shots that show their individual personalities!


Anonymous said...

They are so CUTE they look so much like their grandparents.

Natalie said...

They are all precious! I can't imagine how much work it is to raise triplets, but y'all make it look fun, too! What a beautiful family:)

Jaime said...

Do you think two look like one of you and the other looks like your spouse?

Tonya Weatherman said...

These have got be some of the cutest pictures that I have ever seen. I"m starting to see Daddy in both the boys more. So sorry to hear about your doctor visit. Will keep praying for sure!