Sunday, November 1, 2009


Collin rolled from his back to his stomach for the first time Friday, October 30th. We were at BES to see Steven and Colton (my nephew) in the Fall Follies Parade. After the parade we made a stop in Steven's office. I had a blanket on the floor to change babies and Collin was laying on the blanket while Steven and I sat and talked. As we were talking we were both watching him roll from side to side, something he has started to do so we knew he was getting close to rolling over. We were so excited to both be there to see him do this for the first time and we are so proud of our little man!


Sew Many Quilts said...

It is so wonderful to see the babies growing and taking new steps or rollovers as the case may be. What a remarkable year you have had.

Amber and Jeramie Zelenka said...

Wouldn't you know the smallest one would be the first to rollover. He is proving he can keep up with the rest of them quite well.

Jess said...

YAY! Way to go Collin!!!!!