An Aggie Ring is a treasured possession among Aggies and when an Aggie completes enough hours to receive their ring its a big deal! Aunt Lindsey received her Aggie ring Friday and we could not be more proud of her! The alumni center was packed with thousands of people as our group of 13 (Lindsey, Travis, Alan, Myrna, Alison, Kevin, Sally, Gary, Steven, Adrienne, and the triplets) attempted to make our way in to watch Lindsey receive her ring. After she got her ring we headed back to her apartment where Travis had a wonderful meal waiting for us.
Waiting for Lindsey's number to be called
Collin, Addison and Bryce were mesmerized by the crowds of people, the singing cadets and everything else going on.
The Siemsglusz Family as we waited for Lindsey's number to be called
Lindsey and her Dad (Papa)
Lindsey and Collin saying "Gig'em" while we waited in line
Signing for her ring
Her proud dad putting the ring on her finger
A group shot right after Lindsey got her ring
The Ring
The cookie cake and cookies
Addison trying on Lindsey's ring
Bryce thought he was getting a ring too! He kept saying "Bice get wring too". As we went in the people putting stamps on the paperwork gave Bryce and Collin an aggie ring stamp. They were both very proud of their stamps.