Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My first listing

As many of you know I recently passed my real estate test and received my real estate license. As of this week I have my first listing! I am very grateful to our friends for putting their trust and faith in me to get their house sold so if you are interested in a beautiful home in the Brenham area or know of someone who is interested in buying or selling send them my way. Here is a slideshow of the home:

And you can find more info about the home here:

Monday, June 27, 2011

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Spaghetti Thursday

My college roommate finally moved back to the Houston area and we are excited to have them closer so we can see them more often. After moving back she started Spaghetti Thursday, they invite different people over every Thursday for you guessed it - spaghetti! She then blogs about it here h  On Thursday we attended our first Spaghetti Thursday and got to see their beautiful new home. After we ate the kids had a blast at their community pool which was only chest deep on the kids and included a frog slide.
Laurie and Adrienne
Bryce, Addison, and Collin poolside
Laurie and Adrienne's crew
Amy, Addison, Collin, Bryce, and Mary
Addison and Amy
"Here I come Daddy"
Daddy helping Bryce down the slide
Collin didn't want to go down the slide but he enjoyed playing in the water
Bryce and Addison splashing

Friday, June 24, 2011

Photo Session

Everyone that knows me knows how much I love pictures and now that I have three very active toddlers it is harder for me to pick up the camera and capture those great moments or get a posed picture of us. And like most mothers I never end up with a picture of me in it. My talented good friend Robyn has always taken beautiful pictures of her little ones and when she decided to go into the photography business I knew she needed to take pictures of our little family. I thought our crew may drive her out of the photo business but she was a professional and so patient with our family. She was dedicated in finding the perfect place and made sure we had the perfect props. She even made a cute little bow tie for the boys that she thought would go perfect with the popcorn pictures, she was right - see Bryce's picture below! This morning she surprised me with a sneak peek and I just love the images she caught!

For more pictures go to Robyn's blog and contact her if you want her to take pictures for you, tell her Adrienne sent you!


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

More celebrating!

Our kids had a week of celebrations for their birthdays. Starting with their party with family and friends on the 4th. Then on Addison's actual birthday Mommy and Daddy took her to lunch at McDonald's while the boys stayed with Grandpa. On the 8th Steven and I were going to take the boys out for lunch but Addison didn't want to be left out so we all went to lunch at Las Fuentes. That night we had family over for yet another celebration. We were all worn out by the end of the week but we enjoyed celebrating our three special blessings.
At the age of two our trio is growing in so many ways. They are getting a bigger vocabulary every day but still have moments of babble that sounds so serious you want to know exactly what they are saying. They love to point out airplanes, baseball fields, and trucks. The terrible twos are in full swing and its a daily occurance to have melt downs and kicking screaming tantrums over the smallest things. Our days can be very stressful and exhausting but it is all worth it!

Addison is very shy, she will turn her head the other way so she doesn't have to look at someone, talk to someone, or let them talk to her. She loves all things girly including braclets, sunglasses, shoes, bows, etc. She even loves trying on clothes, I brought home clothes for her to try on and she smiled the whole time, waving at her daddy showing off her new things.

At her 2 year well baby doctors visit she weighed 23lbs. (10th %tile) and was 33 1/4 inches (30th %tile)

Bryce has the biggest, kindest, and most tender heart. He is the first to say "Love you Mommy/Daddy" or "bless you Mommy/Daddy" if we sneeze. He likes to please his brother or sister by making sure they have a toy, drink, etc. He is so cute when he refers to himself by name, he will point to himself and say "Bice".  He loves to laugh and make others laugh.

At his 2 year well baby doctors visit he weighed 29lbs. (75th %tile) and was 35 inches (75th %tile)

Collin is Mr. Independent and will wonder off and do his own thing, most of the time its a "boy" thing. He loves dirt, water, and pretty much anything messy. He enjoys golf and baseball and can hit the ball pretty good according to his daddy. He is also our wild child and run around yelling, jumping, and screaming. He is still very possessive over certain toys and usually demands he gets what he wants which usually puts him in time out.

At his 2 year well baby doctors visit he weighed 24lbs. (25th %tile) and was 33 3/4 inches (25th %tile)

Monday, June 20, 2011

2 years old

For 2 years I kept the tradition of taking a monthly picture of the kids on our couch to compare how they've grown each month. Well I'm happy and sad to say we've taken our last picture. The last couple of months have been very difficult to get all three to take a picture so I've made the decision to only take a picture once a year on their birthday instead of every month. It was fun to watch the monthly changes for the first two years and I'm glad I have the pictures to look back on. Below are the best pictures I could get for their 23 and 24 month old pictures.

As I looked back on these pictures I was amazed at the changes they've made through the months so I thought I would share the last two years in pictures.