Monday, September 27, 2010

First Overnight Trip

This weekend we took the babies out of town overnight for the first time for my cousin Brandon's wedding. The 6 hour drive to San Angelo was a long one, mainly because Addison refused to sleep and cried half the way there. This was the first time they have slept anywhere but their own beds so we were a little unsure how they would do. I of course went planned and ready for anything. I called around to several hotels until I found a hotel that had 3 cribs and would put all of them in one room. We had some crying at bedtime but with a little benadryl everyone quickly fell asleep. On Sunday our drive home was much better, we all had a long weekend and the babies played hard so they were extremely worn out and slept (including Addison). We had a great time at the wedding and visiting with family but it was nice to be home and back in our beds Sunday night.   
Brandon and Haley at the rehearsal dinner
Addison loving all the attention
I don't see any food mommy!
Addison and Collin liked the merry go round
Saturday for lunch we helped Aunt Dee and Uncle Jason celebrate their anniversary at a mexican food restaurant
 Addison was tired and fell asleep before we left
 The family before the wedding
 Aunt Linda with Collin and Aunt Kathy with Bryce
 Jessica and Addison
 Mommy and Collin
 Four Generations
 The cousins minus Anthony
 Bryce being cute
 Bryce and Collin
 Daddy and Addison
A tired baby girl

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Fair Fun!

Saturday evening we took the babies to the fair, we took them last year but they were so small they couldn't do anything. This year they still couldn't ride any rides but they had a blast in the petting zoo and loved eating fair food. I wasn't sure how they would do in the petting zoo since most of the animals were at their eye level but to our surprise they really enjoyed it, until Addison got rammed by a goat!
Much to our surprise Addison was the first to pet the animals!
She loved the animals and chased them around laughing!
Can you see the excitement on her face?
Bryce would scream and laugh at the animals
but would run the other way when one got near him!
Steven tried to get him to pet one of the goats but he refused!
But he kept a close eye on the animals at all times!
Collin petted a few of the animals
but pushed most of them away and wanted nothing to do with them!
A big thanks to Aunt Dorothy and Uncle Ronnie for sticking around to help us out in the petting zoo!
We pulled them around in their wagon which worked pretty good but they would want to get out when we stopped.
We stuffed our faces with yummy fair food!
Mini Corn Dogs, french fries, and fried pickles!
And everyone got to see what it was like to drive a tractor!
We walked through the carnival and this was their reaction, I'm not sure if they are thinking "please don't put me on that ride" or if they were just in awe of all the lights, people and sounds!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Thanks Grandpa!!!

Grandpa just didn't think it was fair that Addison was the only one that got a popping toy and after the biting video he ordered two more popping toys for the boys. They like this toy so much it is usually the first toy they find when they wake up. It's a wonderful sound(x3) to hear first thing in the morning (thanks Grandpa)!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Oh what a night!

Earlier today Bryce figured out how to crawl up on the couch and was so proud of himself. He continued to do it all day despite my repeated attempts to keep him off the couch. Tonight I am watching the boys play in the living room while I get dinner ready in the kitchen. I notice the boys have climbed up on the couch but I decided I was tired of getting them off the couch so I let them do it until I look and see this....
Collin climbed from the couch onto the table!
He didn't know how to get down so he just stood there!

Steven gets home just in time to see what Collin had accomplished. We eat dinner and as Steven and I are cleaning up the kitchen we notice Addison and Bryce have climbed up on the couch (again) and are pulling all of the wipes out of the box. Steven goes to stop them and realizes Collin has pulled his diaper off, just as Steven asked, "where's your diaper?" he starts peeing all over the living room floor and just watches it (such a boy)! Sorry I didn't get pictures of that but I'm sure everyone can get the mental picture! Oh, what a night!

Monday, September 13, 2010

15 Months Old

The babies are 15 Months Old now and I'm going to have to learn to quit calling them my babies. I think I will always see them as my babies, I just hope I'm not embarassing them at 15 by still calling them my babies. They are definitely not acting like babies anymore and are so busy. They tend to follow each other around but will go in three different directions when we want them to stay together! They love to watch their "movies", mostly Baby Einstien Signs and Sounds and Calm Baby. They've also learned how to destroy their play room which is what it is for but I can't wait until they can help clean it up. Feeding time is still a MESS! When they have decided they don't want anymore they start throwing everything on the floor so mommy stays busy cleaning! We are working on learning to use forks or spoons but it may take some time.   

Here are the stats on the triplets at 15 Months:

  • weighs 20lbs.
  • likes to wave her hand like she's saying bye bye but it is her no no, she does this to her brothers a lot!
  • thinks its funny when daddy holds the boys upside down but when he does it to her she gets scared!
  • loves to climb, mostly on the couch, so she can get to picture frames, mommy's camera, or anything else that is put up in high places!
  • can sign eat, drink, baby, more, daddy
  • likes to give kisses, mostly to her daddy when she is in the mood
one of her many moods
Addison likes to sit in her "chair" and watch her movie

  • weighs 27lbs.
  • is so strong and wins most battles
  • loves to take medicine, he will open his mouth like a little bird and take it like a champ
  • "talks" a lot, we just wish we knew what he was saying because it sounds so serious!
  • will sign eat, ball, more
  • likes to fake you out, he will go to hand you something and when you put your hand out for it he pulls it back and he is quick!
Bryce loves to play with his cars and trucks
Bryce has out of control hair most of the time!

  • weighs 22lbs.
  • decided he was tired of giving up toys and has started fighting back when someone takes a toy from him
  • likes to take off his diaper
  • knows when he is in trouble and will take off running when he sees you coming (we are still faster)
  • is really good at his sign language and knows baby, eat, more, ball, drink
  • likes to bite his brother and sister to get what he wants
  • Collin tends to get stuck in tight spaces
    Our little character, Collin!
    The mess mommy gets to clean up at least 3 times a day so we can have fun pulling it all back out again.
    A bonus picture (I couldn't decide which one I liked better).

It's Fair Time

Saturday was the kick off to the Washington County Fair and we joined in the festivities at the Parade Saturday morning. It was a great parade because the sidewalks weren't crowded with people so there was plenty of room for us to spread out. The bands and fire trucks were loud so we had some fussing over that but for the most part everyone sat back and enjoyed the parade. Collin sat in my lap the whole time and would wave at the floats. Bryce was friendly and let several people hold him. Addison tested her limits and walked around a little but never went too far.
The wagon was a perfect ride for the fair parade!
Mommy and Collin, Addison and Daddy, Aunt Alison and Bryce
Addison holding onto Daddy tight!
Aunt Alison and Collin
Uncle Kevin got to ride in this cool car!
Addison liked Mallory's puppy
Mommy's Alma Mater
And of course there were a lot of horses