Monday, September 13, 2010

15 Months Old

The babies are 15 Months Old now and I'm going to have to learn to quit calling them my babies. I think I will always see them as my babies, I just hope I'm not embarassing them at 15 by still calling them my babies. They are definitely not acting like babies anymore and are so busy. They tend to follow each other around but will go in three different directions when we want them to stay together! They love to watch their "movies", mostly Baby Einstien Signs and Sounds and Calm Baby. They've also learned how to destroy their play room which is what it is for but I can't wait until they can help clean it up. Feeding time is still a MESS! When they have decided they don't want anymore they start throwing everything on the floor so mommy stays busy cleaning! We are working on learning to use forks or spoons but it may take some time.   

Here are the stats on the triplets at 15 Months:

  • weighs 20lbs.
  • likes to wave her hand like she's saying bye bye but it is her no no, she does this to her brothers a lot!
  • thinks its funny when daddy holds the boys upside down but when he does it to her she gets scared!
  • loves to climb, mostly on the couch, so she can get to picture frames, mommy's camera, or anything else that is put up in high places!
  • can sign eat, drink, baby, more, daddy
  • likes to give kisses, mostly to her daddy when she is in the mood
one of her many moods
Addison likes to sit in her "chair" and watch her movie

  • weighs 27lbs.
  • is so strong and wins most battles
  • loves to take medicine, he will open his mouth like a little bird and take it like a champ
  • "talks" a lot, we just wish we knew what he was saying because it sounds so serious!
  • will sign eat, ball, more
  • likes to fake you out, he will go to hand you something and when you put your hand out for it he pulls it back and he is quick!
Bryce loves to play with his cars and trucks
Bryce has out of control hair most of the time!

  • weighs 22lbs.
  • decided he was tired of giving up toys and has started fighting back when someone takes a toy from him
  • likes to take off his diaper
  • knows when he is in trouble and will take off running when he sees you coming (we are still faster)
  • is really good at his sign language and knows baby, eat, more, ball, drink
  • likes to bite his brother and sister to get what he wants
  • Collin tends to get stuck in tight spaces
    Our little character, Collin!
    The mess mommy gets to clean up at least 3 times a day so we can have fun pulling it all back out again.
    A bonus picture (I couldn't decide which one I liked better).

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