Monday, September 24, 2012


We were excited about taking the kids to tailgate and watching the band march in at the first Aggie game of the season. Instead as we walked through the crowds Addison gets sick and throws up all over Granny, after a change of clothes we thought she was fine. We continued on and as we were waiting on the band to march in she starts round number two! By this time we realize she is really sick, Steven's patience are getting slim and I was on the verge of tears from the stress, it was time to get out of there! On the way home we made several stops to let Addison do her thing and that was the start of the stomach bug hitting our clan. The last two weeks we have been fighting the virus, ear infections, cough, congestion, you name it. We are hoping everyone is well by this weekend so we can try the game day thing again, tailgate and watch the Aggies BTHO Arkansas!
This is the only picture I got from the day and it was taken as we were waiting on the band to march in.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Back to School 2012-2013

Well the 2012-2013 school year has begun and we survived the first week. Mom and Dad are extremely exhausted and are looking forward to a three day weekend! Addison, Bryce and Collin have done better than expected and adjusted well to a regular routine again. The kids are once again in Mrs. Schmidt and Mrs. Connie's frisky frog class. Last year Mrs. Schmidt recommended we hold them back to allow them time to grow and mature. Since they have summer birthdays we knew it was something we would probably do eventually and after much discussion we thought it would be better to do it now rather than later. So far the year is off to a great start and they are coming home sharing everything about their day which is something that they didn't do last year. Their stories have been pretty entertaining so we are looking forward to what the rest of the year has in store for us.   
Addison ready for her first day of school
When Steven puts the kids in the car he tells the kids to "have a good day". Last year Addison always answered back saying "have a good day daddy". The first day of school Steven put Addison in the car and made his usual comment he asked Addison what she was going to tell daddy. After a little thought she said "don't cry"! Well she didn't cry (daddy didn't cry either) and she had a great first day.
Bryce ready for his first day
Bryce is the only one that struggled a little this week. A few mornings he cried saying he wanted to go with mommy. Their schedule was changed a little and instead of staying with Mrs. Connie they go to the room next door for the afternoons. This has bothered Bryce the most, he cried several days that he wanted to stay with Mrs. Connie. His teacher called this week and on his first day she told him to go next door to take his nap, he cried for her but she assured him she would just be next door. Well he wouldn't go to sleep and got up several times and walked thru the joint bathroom to check and see if she was still there. She said he came in asking "Mrs. Connie are you still in here" she would answer "yes Bryce I'm still here" then he would go back lay down for a little while and then come back to check again. Eventually she said he fell asleep but I thought it was so sweet that he loves her that much! It's reassuring that our kids are in good hands and loved.   
Crazy Collin ready for his first day
The teachers and staff will have their hands full with our Collin this year. He has become a bit of a wild man (if you can't tell by this picture and my previous post). High energy are the words his teacher used to describe it! When he comes home he is still running wild around the house, yelling, chasing his brother and sister, jumping on the furniture, etc. so if he has this much energy after school I can only image how much energy he has at school! God bless his teachers!  
By the end of the week we had three smiling frisky frogs!