Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Aggies vs. LSU

Addison, Collin and Bryce with Tegan in front of Kyle Field
Collin kicking the big football
Addison kicking the football
Addison, Mommy, Collin, Bryce and Tegan
This little boy was very upset that he didn't get to go to the football game with his Daddy!
I was lucky to have this little helper with me while Steven was at the game.
While daddy was at the game we ran to Target for a few things. The kids were so tired Bryce fell asleep like this.
And Collin fell asleep like this! I got a lot of looks but I didn't care I got a few minutes of peace and quite while I shopped!
I hated to wake them up when it was time to go of course they didn't go back to sleep for me either!