Friday, May 27, 2011

Collin's First Haircut

Tuesday I took Collin for his first hair cut. He didn't have much to cut but the back of his hair was getting pretty long. I decided we better get it cut before he got a serious mullet. He did really good and sat in the chair like a big boy. He turned around to watch another lady get her hair washed but he sat still so Valerie was able to cut his hair. It took a total of about 5 minutes to cut the back and a little around the ears and he was done. 
A before of the front that didn't need cutting
A before of the back

Sitting still for his big boy haircut
A little distracted by the lady getting her hair washed but still sitting still

He even sat still while Valerie shaved the back of his neck
And the After
Collin with Valerie

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