For the last two weeks we had the kids enrolled in swim lessons with Ms. Natalie. She was super patient with the kids and taught them to blow bubbles, kick, float, put their face in the water, spiderman walk along the edge and just be comfortable with the water! We learned Addison is our little fish and loved the water. By the end of the lessons she put her head under water and blowed bubbles, she would jump in and go under and was always the first one in the pool. Bryce was not as excited about the swim lessons and cried through several lessons. He didn't like going under water or venturing away from the steps, his favorite was playing with the toys on the steps. Collin hated swim lessons and also cried and screamed through several lessons (poor Natalie), he mostly enjoyed playing in the "little" pool or the cold hot tub. Their lessons were done individually for 30 minutes so we were hanging out by the pool for an hour and a half each day. Thankfully they had a swing set, mommy packed lunches and we were able to hang out in the little pool to keep everyone occupied for that long.
Addison learning to float
blowing bubbles
Addison and her teacher Ms. Natalie
Bryce excited about jumping in on the first day of swim lessons
Bryce practicing his kicking.
All three would kick harder so they could splash mommy!
Bryce swimming
Bryce with his teacher Ms. Natalie
Bryce and Collin having fun in the little pool
Collin doing the spiderman walk along the edge of the pool
Collin with his teacher Ms. Natalie
Collin and Addison hanging out
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