I finally scanned in some of my ultrasound pictures from Wednesday. The ultrasound tech wanted to try the 4D and got some good pictures of Baby C. His brother and sister had their backs turned to the camera the whole time so we didn't get pictures of them. I guess I better get used to the fact I won't get all of them to look at the camera at the same time!

Our first crib was delivered yesterday so Steven put it together last night. I made him put it together in the living room so I could "help" or at least watch. I think it looks really good but I'm not sure how we are going to fit 3 in the room. Sorry the pictures aren't great but that's the view I get now from the floor!

I guess one thing about being on bedrest is that you have more time to blog. I'm looking forward to updates! The crib is exciting!!! Take care of yourself and those 3 little ones!
Yippeee!!! So much fun, so much fun, so much fun!!! I hope it fits through the bedroom door! ;)
He finished putting it together in the nursery so its in the room already.
What a cute picture! That's stinks about the bedrest, but you probably figured it was coming at some point. You'll get to catch up lots on movies, books, and magazines! And enjoy it, cuz once those babies get here, you will have no time for yourself anymore! :)
cute baby!!! i can't wait till there here...(hopefully later than sooner) good work steven!!!
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